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November 2012 Community Newsletter

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

17 de noviembre de 2012 00:26
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The Urantia Book Fellowship

Community Newsletter  November 2012

In This Issue
Joint Meeting
UB IT Roundtable
Help Sandy Victims
Outreach Report
Online Study Groups
New Online Catalog

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Secretary General

Judicial Chair

Membership Chair

Interfaith Chair

Outreach Chair
Andrea Barnes 

International Chair
Buck Weimer

Education Chair
David Kulieke

Publications Chair
Linda Buselli

Finance Chair
John D. Hay

Youth and Young Adult Chair

General Council

Lara Amyx

Agustin Arellano

Andrea Barnes

Lawrence J. Bowman

Dana Bredemeyer

Robert Burns

Linda Buselli

Robert Burns

Barry Clark

Emilio Coppola

Lila Dogim

Stephen Dreier

Janet Falbo

Tony Finstad

Cece Forrester

Janet Graham

John Hales

John Hay

Tim Hobbs

Merritt Horn

Paul Klaver

Michelle Klemish

David Kulieke

Charlene Morrow

Dolores L. Nice

Charles Olivea

Teuvo Orjala

Thomas Orjala

Cristina Seaborn

Cayce Snider

Paula Thompson

Angie Thurston

Buck Weimer


Click Here to Link to "Friends of the Urantia Book Fellowship" Facebook Page. 

 Join Us for Daily Discussions.


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Joint Meeting of The Urantia Book Fellowship and Urantia Foundation 


lila2012 On Monday, October 22, 2012 representatives of The Urantia Book Fellowship and Urantia Foundation held a joint meeting designed to foster mutual appreciation and understanding, and to explore possibilities for increased inter-organizational cooperative activities in the area of Urantia book sales, distribution, and translations. The gathering of fourteen individuals included the Presidents, Vice-presidents and Executive Directors of both organizations.


An atmosphere of goodwill pervaded the six hour meeting during which the participants shared viewpoints and concerns on various matters connected with advancing the study and dissemination of The Urantia Book in the world. Those participating in the meeting held themselves to the high standards of understanding, love, and forgiveness.


Mo2012 Urantia Foundation and The Urantia Book Fellowship currently engage in a number of cooperative activities, including sponsoring the development of the Standard Reference Text and distributing translations of The Urantia Book through the Pipeline of Light program. As a result of this meeting, both organizations are actively exploring opportunities for joint service. Participants left the meeting encouraged that both human and organizational problems can be solved in the spirit of the heavenly Father. 


Dr. Lila Dogim, President, The Urantia Book Fellowship

Mr. Mo Siegel, President, Urantia Foundation


The 3rd Urantia Book IT Roundtable Convenes

On the weekend of October 20-21st a group of twenty highly tech-savvy Urantia Book readers, along with the presidents of the Fellowship, UAI, and Urantia Foundation, met for the purpose of exploring technological cooperation across a wide variety of existing and potential services.


Broadly speaking, the discussions focused on technology-based dissemination and reader service opportunities in the social media realm (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), videography, e-text publication, and other technology-based reader services  - all of which were considered within the global context of a highly diverse and multi-lingual readership.


The camaraderie, the mutual respect, and the loving friendship among all of the group members cannot go unmentioned. It was palpable, directly experiencable, and was expressed at every turn in honest communication, a spirit of cooperation, and with a sincere interest in collaboration towards the goals we share.


And it is in this spirit of coming together that the Urantia Book IT Roundtable will continue to pursue its simply-stated mission - "Leveraging technology to further the Revelation and continually improve global Reader Services...."


Mo Siegel and Barry Clark, IT Roundtable co-Chairs



The Fellowship's General Council to Meet in LA, Feb. 2013 

The General Council of The Urantia Book Fellowship will hold its midyear meeting at the LAX Sheraton on Feb 8-10, 2013. Unless otherwise stated, Council meetings are typically open for spectators if you are interested. There is a meet and greet planned on Saturday night at the hotel for local Urantia Book readers. For more information call the Fellowship office at 303-467-7858.


The Summer Study Session 2013

The Urantia Book Fellowship's 2013 Summer Study Session will be back at Techny Towers, North of Chicago, IL, again in 2013. 

Look for registration and program details early in 2013.


The United Urantia Family Festival 2013

The United Urantia Family Festival 2013 will be held at Yosemite Park in California from August 20-24, 2013 which will allow us to gather together in nature's splendor on Jesus' birthday!


TEAMWORK - The Most Important Lesson


teamwork One of the most important lessons to be learned during your mortal career is teamwork. The spheres of perfection are manned by those who have mastered this art of working with other beings. (The Urantia Book, 28:5.14)


Five Dysfunctions that thwart effective teamwork:

  1. Absence of Trust
  2. Fear of Conflict
  3. Lack of Commitment
  4. Avoidance of Accountability
  5. Inattention to Results

Absence of Trust - the fear of being vulnerable with team members prevents the building of trust within the team.

Members of teams with an absence of trust:

  • Conceal weaknesses and mistakes from one another.
  • Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback.
  • Hesitate to help outside their own areas of responsibility.
  • Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others without attempting to clarify them.
  • Fail to recognize and tap into one another's skills and experiences.
  • Waste time and energy managing their behaviors for effect.
  • Hold grudges.
  • Dread meetings and avoid spending time together.

Members of trusting teams:

  • Admit weaknesses and mistakes.
  • Ask for help.
  • Accept questions and input about their area of responsibility.
  • Give one another the benefit of the doubt before arriving at a negative conclusion.
  • Take risks in offering feedback and assistance.
  • Appreciate and tap into one another's skills and experiences.
  • Focus time and energy on important issues, not politics.
  • Offer and accept apologies without hesitation.
  • Look forward to meetings and other opportunities to work as a group.

Fear of Conflict - the desire to preserve artificial harmony stifles the occurrence of productive, ideological conflict.

Teams that fear conflict:

  • Conceal weaknesses and mistakes from one another.
  • Have boring meetings.
  • Create an environment where back-channel politics and personal attacks thrive.
  • Ignore controversial topics that are critical to team success.
  • Fail to tap into all the opinions and perspectives of team members.
  • Waste time with interpersonal posturing and interpersonal risk management.

Teams that engage in conflict:

  • Have lively, interesting meetings.
  • Extract and exploit the ideas of all team members.
  • Solve real problems quickly.
  • Minimize politics.
  • Put critical topics on the table for discussion.

Lack of Commitment - the lack of clarity and/or the fear of being wrong prevents team members from making decisions in a timely definitive way.

A team that fails to commit:

  • Creates ambiguity among the team about direction and priorities.
  • Watches windows of opportunity close due to excessive analysis and unnecessary delay.
  • Breeds lack of confidence and fear of failure.
  • Revisits discussions again and again.
  • Encourages second guessing among team members.

A team that commits:

  • Creates clarity around direction and priorities.
  • Aligns the entire team around common objectives.
  • Develops an ability to learn from mistakes.
  • Takes advantage of opportunities before competitors do.
  • Moves forward without hesitation.
  • Changes direction without hesitation or guilt.

Avoidance of Accountability - the need to avoid personal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable for their behaviors.


A team that avoids accountability:

  • Creates resentment among team members who have different standards of performance.
  • Encourages mediocrity.
  • Misses deadlines and key deliverables.
  • Places an undue burden on the team leader as the sole source of discipline.

A team that holds one another accountable:

  • Ensures that poor performers feel the pressure to improve.
  • Identifies potential problems quickly by questioning one another's approaches without hesitation.
  • Establishes respect among team members who are held to the same high standard.
  • Avoids excessive bureaucracy around performance management and corrective action.

Inattention to Results - the desire for individual credit erodes the focus on collective results.

A team that is not focused on results:

  • Stagnates/fails to grow.
  • Rarely defeats competitors.
  • Loses achievement-oriented employees.
  • Encourages team members to focus on their own careers and individual goals.
  • Is easily distracted.

A team that focuses on collective results:

  • Retains achievement oriented employees.
  • Minimizes individualistic behavior.
  • Enjoys success and suffers failure acutely.
  • Benefits from individuals who subjugate their goals/interests for the good of the team.

Submitted by Robert Burns


Help Victims of Super-Storm Sandy


American Red Cross 

 The Red Cross is providing shelter, clothes, supplies, food and blood, as needed, for the victims of Sandy. You can donate blood, but in terms of items, you'll be doing more for those in need by donating money instead of physical goods.

Text message: Text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief. As in the case with other donations via mobile, the donation will show up on your wireless bill, or be deducted from your balance if you have a prepaid phone. You need to be 18 or older, or have parental permission, to donate this way. (If you change your mind, text the word STOP to 90999.)

Phone: 800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767); for Spanish speakers, 800-257-7575; for TDD, 800-220-4095.

Online: American Red Cross


Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is providing meals and shelter. "At this point, in-kind donations, such as used clothing and used furniture, are not being accepted for hurricane relief. However, these items are vital to supporting the day-to-day work of your local Salvation Army," the organization said Tuesday in a press release.

Text message: Text the word STORM to 80888 to make a $10 donation. To confirm the donation, respond with the word "Yes."

Phone: 800-SAL-ARMY (800-725-2769)

Online: Salvation Army


Humane Society of the United States

Many pet owners were able to take their pets with them, but for those who were not, the Humane Society's Animal Rescue Team is assembling staff and equipment to help rescue pets in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast.

Phone: 301-258-8276

Online: Humane Society of the United States



Urantia Book Outreach Report 

by Andrea Barnes


I flew to Reno to work with the existing readers there giving an introduction to the book and a weekend expo. I have to say I didn't expect it to turn out nearly as well as it did. Here are some highlights:

  • At the Friday night introduction, one couple read about it online in the local newspaper. It was her turn to choose where they would go for 'date night' and I have to say her husband looked a bit dismayed as she led him through the new age bookstore, past the incense, crystals and mini-Buddha statues, to the back room where we had chairs set up. I'm pretty sure he was expecting a séance but we all seemed so normal. They happened to be the most excited I have seen anyone get after hearing about the book that night!
  • All total, 4 new people showed up to hear about the book. Eight local readers were also in attendance. They got to hear some good techniques for introducing the book and secured some good outreach material.
  • The expo was a psychic fair with all the usual suspects. It was at the Reno convention center directly opposite the big gun show. I'm pretty sure people had a hard time as they entered and then had to decide which one to attend. 
  • Two gals strolled by barely making eye contact. But, being ever alert, I kindly asked "have you ever heard about The Urantia Book"? They said "no" and then tentatively listened to my schpeel. They were thrilled to hear we were not out to sell something or convert them. They listened intently as we described the basic concepts that make up the book. You could see them become more and more intrigued. They stayed for at least a half hour, both purchased a book, and then while effusing at the hotdog stand got the concession lady so excited about the book that they came back and bought one for her too! They later thanked me for having the nerve to ask them if they had heard of the book.
  • One guy bought the book but then got a sour look on his face as he realized the last section was about Jesus. A while later a fellow came strolling in with his bag of ammo, etc., fresh from the gun show and inquired about this book. He became more and more interested and then announced "I just found one out in the lobby." It had a sign on it that said 'free book'. We think the sour faced man left it behind but this guy was quite thrilled to have gained possession of it.
  • Countless others heard the good news gladly. They saw the signs and the nice brochures we had made up. 
  • The locals got some terrific experience in introducing the book and making plans for future local events.

The weekend was quite a success!


study group


Pato Banton and Antoinette Hall's Groups are as follows:
Urantia Skype Study Session 1:
For "New Urantia Book Students Only" to study Spiritual Growth at our HOME or via Skype on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm PST. 


Urantia Skype Study Session 2:
For Our "International Family" of new and experienced Urantians to study the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ "Via Skype Only" on Wednesdays at 12 Noon West Coast Time. (8 pm UK & West Africa) 


Urantia Skype Study Session 3:
For "Experienced Readers & Intellectually Gifted New Students" to participate in the study of the Advanced Teachings of the Urantia Book at our HOME or via Skype on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm PST. Skype Address is patobanton123 


Tuesday Night 

Symmetry of Soul  6pm to 8pm PST


A weekly study of the unifying concepts of The Urantia Book, mindful of the threefold nature of the cosmos: 'philosophy, religion, and science are welded into a meaningful unity by the conjoined action of wisdom, faith, and experience.
Wednesday Night
Atlanta Urantia Study Group 

We post our meetings on line every week in video and mp3 format for anyone who would like to watch or listen. Our Wednesday night study session is usually posted by Saturday each week. We are limited to 10 people on Skype as a video call, but by posting the video on line everyone can listen. 
User Name rogerpauldc email
Friday Night
Please join us for the live Skype broadcast study group with Chris Halvorson, Friday evenings at 7:30 - 9:30pm MST.....Call 720-457-3606 o
r search Skype name "perfectinghorizons". Please call in 5-10 minutes early so you are all set up before the start of class....we are unable to log anyone on after the start of class. This is not an interactive call so PLEASE MUTE your phone or computer...just listen and enjoy.

Previous audio/video classes and study aids can be found at    


Saturday Morning 

10 AM Mountain Time 

The Cosmic Citizen is a show for progressive religionists and spiritual people who are ready to find spirituality worthy of an age of science and enlightenment. Our two hosts, Paula Thompson and Christilyn Biek-Larson are both long time students of The Urantia Book. We interview guests on topics related to modern and progressive spiritual growth and religious interests. We always incorporate Urantia Book teachings, welcome callers and have lively interactions in the live chat room. We embrace diversity, intelligent dialogue and a willingness to serve. We also feature a show for Spanish speakers called Ciudadanos del Universo on Wednesdays at 9 AM Mountain Time. Please join us! 
Click here for the link. 


If you want to run virtual / telephone study groups, or support an existing physical one, I have the perfect free tool: I was amazed and thrilled after successfully testing this service with three phones and screen sharing. Also, people not on an unlimited calling plan can get in for free with Skype.

This tool enables the group leader/facilitator to let everyone have an equal chance to talk and to hear what's going in. It levels the playing field and encourages interaction:
  • Telephone Access
  • Skype Access
  • Up to 1,000 callers
  • Facilitator can mute individual callers
  • Facilitator can share slides pictures, a computer screen
  • The session can be recorded
  • Session can be up to 6 hours

Link to FAQ's

Volunteer with The Urantia Book Fellowship!
We have several positions available for volunteers. 
Depending on which one you choose, 1-4 hours per month is required. We sincerely ask you consider how important it is to put your time or money or both towards what you believe is important. For many of us that is

If you cannot donate your time to help and volunteer, then
please consider donating one hours' worth of income each month. 

(monthly donations are excellent!)

We welcome your articles
to this online publication. We accept articles no more than 10 paragraphs long that deal with Urantia Book related events, ideas, outreach, gatherings, or reminders. 


Articles should be submitted to before the 22nd of every month. 


Announcing The New Uversa Press 
Online Catalog


The Urantia Book Fellowship is pleased to announce that we are now offering, via our web store, many of the books
that used to be offered in the Morning Star Catalog (formerly the Good Cheer Catalog.) Our newly redesigned web store is now open for business and contains many of the great books and study aids that Urantia Book readers love as well as some brand new gems for your contemplation and inspiration. As you peruse this new online catalog, remember that it represents how the revelation has personally inspired each individual author. Most of our authors are not professional writers, but dedicated and long-time students of the revelation who were moved to reflect, in some humble way, the light of truth, beauty, and goodness found so abundantly in The Urantia Book



LogoPlease support The Urantia Book Fellowship! You can make a secure onetime contribution online at our website, Click Here or perhaps consider giving a 'gift that keeps on giving' by agreeing to make an affordable monthly donation (auto-debit donation) that is automatically deducted from your bank account (available by clicking the above link). As always, we'll send a deluxe leather Urantia Book to all new monthly auto-debit donors who pledge to make at least a $20.00 monthly donation or a onetime equivalent.

From The Membership Committee


Are you a member of The Urantia Book Fellowship?  Maybe you're not sure?  If not please contact us and we'll let you know. Contact Membership by clicking here.


If you would like to become a member please click on this link and fill out the easy online membership form.  Your credentials will be sent to the Membership Committee for consideration.
Please join us! - click here for the online form.

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